Art of Goddess Isis.

10 Ancient Egyptian Goddesses You Should Know About

The myths and stories about ancient Egyptian Goddesses can take you on an adventurous journey. We can often relate to these Goddesses and recognize similar traits within ourselves.

When we recognize them it can be a powerful feeling knowing we can tap into them at any time. Whether you have the strength of Goddess Sekhmet or the magic of Goddess Isis, you know that there lies a powerful Goddess within you. 

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses you should know about.

1. Goddess Bast

Bast is the Egyptian Goddess of the arts and healing. She's often depicted as a woman's body with a cat's head. She's often shown with kittens at her feet.

When Bast has the head of a lion she transforms into her warrior goddess role of healing and fertility of the earth. In this form, her eyes can look bright and welcoming but once annoyed they turn to wrath. She is a protector of her father, the Egyptian Sun God Ra.

When Bast has the head of a cat she's then a Goddess of dancing, signing, and childbirth. She carries a basket and ceremonial rattle.

Egyptian Goddess Bast.
Artwork by Sarah Young for Goddesses by Sue Jennings Ph.D.

Bast inspires us to be a warrior but still look beautiful. She's strong yet sensual, tough yet motherly. She is a Goddess who can help us get up and get our shit done.

2. Goddess Hathor

Hathor is the Egyptian Goddess of fertility and plenty. She was also known as the celestial cow, often depicted with the head of a cow or the horns of a cow with a solar disc which represents the sun.

Hathor is celebrated in November when festivals are held in her honor. Hathor was once so loved that she was served by 61 priestesses in her sacred temple. Hathor was petitioned with assistance in creating personal abundance.

Egyptian Goddess Hathor.
Artwork by Sarah Young for Goddesses by Sue Jennings Ph.D.

Invoke this Goddess through communal rituals to bring you and your tribe an abundance of whatever it is you're seeking from her. If you're feeling stuck she can help you to find your creativity and to have fun for no reason at all.

3. Goddess Isis

Isis is the Egyptian Goddess of magic and healing. She’s depicted with a headdress of cow horns with a sun disc. She’s also depicted as a swallow bird during her time searching up and down the Nile River for her murdered husband Osiris.

Isis and Osiris had a love that outshined the moon and the stars. They spent their days nourishing the world, giving an abundance of food and rich crops. Isis taught women how to spin flax and weave cloth.

Egyptian Goddess Isis.
Artwork by Kris Waldherr in The Book of Goddesses

Isis can teach us about the importance of mourning and healing. She offers strength to women who are heartbroken over the loss of a loved one. Isis empowers us to create new life out of old, this moral comes from her husband being murdered and Isis resurrecting him just long enough to conceive of her child Horus.

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4. Goddess Ma’at

Ma’at is the Egyptian Goddess of truth and justice. She is depicted wearing a headdress of white ostrich feathers which symbolizes truth.

Ma’at enforced the primal laws of the universe keeping things from being chaotic. She created order for the stars, the seasons, and the actions of mortals and deities alike.

Egyptian Goddess Ma'at.
Artwork by Holly Sierra

Ma’at can help us seek the truth when we’re being lied to. She can help to bring justice to a situation where you’re being wronged. Carry a white feather in her honor or during times when you’re going through a long court proceeding.

5. Goddess Nephthys

Nephthys is the Egyptian Goddess of death and service. She is depicted with a headdress of a house and basket which translates to “Lady of the House.”

This Goddess was linked to moonlight and magic as she helped the pharaoh to see in the darkness. She protected the pharaoh in life and in death, incinerating his enemies with her fiery breath.

Her funerary role, which was often seen with horror, was an important role where she assisted the dead through the stages of the afterlife. She was also a Goddess of mourning, helping to comfort the loved ones of the deceased. These mourners were identified as the “Hawks of Nephthys”.

Egyptian Goddess Nephthys.
Artwork by Simon Tjong

Goddess Nephthys can help us see and understand the darker days in life. She’s a protector of all who respects her and comforts those going through the loss of a loved one. Call upon Nephthys as your Goddess Warrior.

6. Goddess Seshat

Seshat is the Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom. She is often depicted with a headdress with a seven-pointed emblem, to this day we do not know the meaning behind it. She also wore a leopard skin robe. The spots on this hide were said to represent the stars.

Sesat was responsible for inventing writing. She was the scribe and record keeper, keeping score of the years the Pharaoh was in reign. She also had expertise in accounting, architecture, building, astronomy, astrology, surveying, and mathematics.

Seshat was in charge of overseeing the library of scrolls where the most important knowledge and spells were preserved. She also participated in the “stretching of the cord” ritual where she determined the sacred alignments for the laying of the foundation for important structures and temples.

Egyptian Goddess Seshat.
Artwork by DiVeena Seshetta

Goddess Seshat can help us figure out complex problems and issues. She’s the perfect companion for studying or preparing educational lectures. Allow her to assist you in building sacred altars or even a home.

7. Goddess Nut

Nut is the Egyptian Goddess of the Sky and Heavens. She is depicted as a naked woman covered in stars. She is often seen arching over the Earth in protection of it.

When Ra, the Sun God, wanted to abandon the earth, she helped him escape to the heavens by lifting him all the way up. She became too tired to go on until 4 Gods helped her complete her mission. These 4 Gods became known as the 4 pillars of the sky.

When Ra was the ruler he began to fear anyone taking his throne. Therefore he did not want Nut to give birth onduring any day of the year. At the time a year only consisted of 360 days. Nut when to the Thoth, the God of Wisdom, who granted 5 extra days in a year.

During these 5 days, Nut gave birth to some of the most important Gods and Goddesses including Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Set, and Elder. Because of this Goddess Nut was called upon by women to protect them and their unborn children.

Egyptian Goddess Nut.
Artwork by Juri H.

Nut symbolizes an escape to the heavenly worlds. She is a motherly Goddess who can nurture and protect the unborn. She reveals to us the beauty of the sky so next time you look up pay respects to this strong Goddess.

8. Goddess Anuket

Anuket is the first Egyptian Goddess of the Nile River. She is depicted as having the head of a gazelle or a headdress of feathers.

Anuket is celebrated during the Nile River’s annual flood. People throw coins, gold, and jewelry into the river in thanks to this Goddess, and other’s who tended the life-giving river. Anuket is known as the giver of life, her name translates to “to embrace”.

Egyptian Goddess Anuket.
Artwork by Shehzad Kapadia

As a water Goddess, Anuket can help us achieve prosperity, fertility, and balance. Celebrate and honor Anuket by tossing coins into rivers.

9. Goddess Sekhmet

Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of War and Healing. She is depicted with the head of a lion who wears a solar disc.

Sekhmet is a Warrior Goddess who was revered for her power. But her war-like energy can often miss its mark with disastrous results. She once could not be stopped from slaughtering the human race. The Gods ordered 7,000 jars of beer which was disguised as blood when they poured red powder into it. They poured this red beer into the fields and come morning Sekhmet saw her reflection in it and drank it. She became intoxicated, and with that, humanity was saved.

The warrior energy can overcome enemies and lead Gods in battle, but can also get out of hand, and only when assisted can it become balanced. But Sekhmet’s energy is not always destructive, there are stories of her maternal energy protecting children.

She’s also known for her healing energies and overcoming disease. She can cleanse the world of evil and pollution, she was often called upon by her followers to heal these things.

Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet.
Artwork by Amelia Leonards

Sekhmet represents the duality of war and healing. She can help us find our strength and speak up for ourselves and others.

10. Goddess Wadjet

Wadjet is the Egyptian Goddess of Protection. She is depicted wearing a uraeus, an emblem worn by protectors of lower Egypt. She was also often depicted as a snake or a snake with a woman's head.

When Wadjet was the protector of the sun God Ra she would send fire onto those said to attack, just as a cobra will spit poison into the eyes of intruders. Ra honored many Goddesses with being his “eye”, Wadjet being one of them. Click here to read the story of how Wadjet became one of Ra’s protective eyes.

Wadjet is celebrated with chants and songs during the Going Forth of Wadjet on December 25th. There’s also an annual festival on April 21st celebrating our Goddess of protection. Another important date for the honoring of Wadjet is on the Summer Solstice, June 21st.

Egyptian Goddess Wadjet.
Artwork by Ekaterina Burmak

Call upon Wadjet for mighty protection. You can honor her and give thanks by wearing her symbol of the eye. She is the inspiration behind my latest collection, the Wadjet Collection.

Which of these powerful ancient Egyptian Goddesses do you resonate with most? 

10 ancient Egyptian Goddesses you should know about.

The Book of Goddess by Kris Waldherr (affiliate)
Goddesses by Sue Jennings Ph.D. (affiliate)
Goddess Guide

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