Every year jewelry business mentors Tracy Matthews and Robin Kramer of Flourish and Thrive Academy host a 10 day Instagram challenge called the #FreedomMethodChallenge. This challenge is structured in a away to help you find more freedom in your jewelry business.
They send you 10 questions each day for 10 days and you have to snap a photo, post it to Instagram, answer the corresponding question and tag #FreedomMethodChallenge + @flourish_thrive. There are 3 amazing prizes, you can find more info about the challenge here. If you're interested in participating you must get all your entries in by April 22nd. If you missed out make sure you sign up to their mailing list so you can participate next year, if they host it again.
This is my second year participating. You can view my entries from last year on my old blog here.
Freedom Method Challenge Day 1 - What Does Freedom Mean To You?
- Is doing what I love for a living.
- It means taking a random Tuesday off because I'm just not feeling like working.
- It means having a personal connection with the women who purchase from me.
- It mean setting my own salary.
- It means running a business with soul.
Freedom Method Challenge Day 2 - Your Perfect Day In The Life Senario
My perfect day in the life scenario looks like...
- Waking up at 5:30AM, practicing meditation, saying my affirmations, then I go into my work for the day.
- Around 10AM I would relax on the beach, have lunch, check email. Then I would go into marketing and PR pitching as well as do my social media.
- Then I would start shipping orders for the day and start production work. Then at 6PM my day would be over, I would eat dinner, read, hang out with the love then be in bed by 9PM.
I already do some of this but I need to cut out distractions and procrastination. I also need to get my beach house for that mid-morning beach relaxation. ??
Freedom Method Challenge Day 3 - My Morning Routine Goes As Follows...

- I wake up around 5:30-6AM and I down some water to revive my body from hours of sleep. Then I prepare some coffee and my lovie kisses me on the head and leaves for work.
- I brush my teeth, make the bed then go into my meditation + affirmations (not every morning consists of these last two things but it's a work in progress).
- Then I make some butter toast, heavy meals too early often weight me down. After all this it's about 8AM and then I check my #bulletjournal to see what tasks I need to complete for the day. ☺️
Freedom Method Challenge Day 4 - Areas of Overwhelm in my Business Are...
My biggest areas of overwhelm in my business are...
- Trying to decide which work is most important and when.
- Allowing un-important tasks get in the way of important ones.
- Figuring out what type of content my clients want to see (in terms of blogging--feel free to help a sista out ?).
- Building a cohesive collection (I have to expand into more bracelets, earrings and rings).
- And expanding my skills in silversmithing.
Freedom Method Challenge Day 5 - My Brand Vision
My brand's vision is...
- Organic Luxury.
- I'm inspired by nature, the ocean, textures and raw beauty found on Earth.
- This collage is a mixture of a few of my Pinterest vision boards. I use one for collections, personal and my brand. It's a mix of what inspires my collection development along with my vision for my future.
Freedom Method Challenge Day 6 - I Feel Reinvigorated When...
I feel reinvigorated when...
- I get all my ideas out of my head and onto paper.
Freedom Method Challenge Day 7 - My System Is...
My System for Jewelry Orders Is...
- Either it's a custom request via email or they purchase an item from my shop.
- If it's a custom request I ask them a set of questions such as; what materials they would like, what sizes and when do they need it by.
- If I have the materials on hand I go straight into production. If not, I check my list of suppliers.
- Once I have created the piece I follow up with them then the order is ready to ship. ☺️
Freedom Method Challenge Day 8 - I Love To Design Because...
Today's challenge we were asked to design something new and finish this statement;
I love to design because...
- It enables this gal to express her introverted spirit! When I was in kindergarten I was always the one painting on the easel while all the other kids played house. I was what you would call a "loner" but I've never felt alone. I always had my muse to play with.
- Designing jewelry is a way for me to connect with my muse who never grew up, even though I did. It sounds so cliche but it's just like magic.
Freedom Method Challenge Day 9 - I Am More Free When...
I am more free when...
- I spend one day planning my week/month/quarter ahead. This is my new, customized, marketing calendar/spreadsheet (showcasing next weeks giveaway + sale which is why it looks so hectic).
- I got this awesome template via @flourish_thrive's Laying The Foundation course, highly recommended that course if you're a jeweler.
- I've really been enjoying using this marketing calendar, I just have trouble opening it everyday. I may transfer this to my #bulletjournal so it's easier to look at.
Come back tomorrow to see the last day of the #FreedomMethodChallenge! Make sure you follow@pinealvisionjewelry + @flourish_thrive on Instagram!
Comment below if you're participating! Leave your IG handle so I can follow along your journey to FREEDOM!