When I was growing up, every year I received a present that I got every single year - an art set! I was a true artist at heart when I was a kid (and still to this day) so every Christmas I was so excited to unwrap my brand new art set; complete with markers, crayons, oil pastels, colored pencils, paints and so much more!
Eventually, I grew out of my love for children's art sets, I sadly grew up. So what’s a grown up artist to do?
This question inspired me to create this Etsy Holiday Gift Guide for the Grown Up Artist! I’ve included quality art supplies that I would’ve not been old enough to appreciate back in the day. And there’s no better place to get new art supplies and organization solutions than Etsy!
I would love to know, have you ever received an art set as a child? Please share in the comments below, I would love to reminisce with you!
*I'm a proud affiliate with Etsy! This means that when you purchase any of the items listed I will get a small commission. Thank you for supporting small handmade businesses and shopping small this holiday season!
Let’s get into the holiday gift guide for the grown up artist!

Thank you for checking out this gift guide (and hopefully checking off names from your Christmas list!). Be sure to Pin these images to your Pinterest boards for later browsing!