Creating Goals With Soul.

Creating Goals with Soul - Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map Program

The new year is coming, everyone is picking up gifts for their loved ones (hopefully handmade) and we're ending our days with a hot cup. The holiday season is just so magical it's easy to get swept up in all the twinkling lights and apple cider.

Enjoy this time, laugh till your heart's content and kiss under the mistletoe. But then it's time to float back down to earth so you can start making those goals for the New Year.

Creating Goals With Soul.

My word for 2016 was Essentialism, inspired by Greg McKeown's book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less (affiliate link). I kept checking back in with my word every few months feeling discouraged that I was still trying to do too much, leaving the Essentials on the back burner.

Then, my last check-in was about a month ago and I have completely rebelled against my super structured, time-slotted to-do list. I was no longer being a slave to my email and I've become very comfortable with not doing all the details. I've finally embraced the word I choose for the year only 3 months shy of the New Year. But I'm so happy about it.

Now it's time to purchase a new planner, choose a new word (which I've already chosen, that will be in the next blog post), and get clear on my goals for 2017.

This brings me to Goals with Soul. Danielle LaPorte just came out with a new program to accompany her book The Desire Map. It's all about creating goals around how you want to feel, instead of things you want to own or do.

Goals With Soul 2017.

Instead of "Goal: I want to earn $150K" it will be "I want the freedom to play with my children whenever they want."
Instead of " Goal: New flat-screen TV" it will be "Late night snuggles with him while watching our favorite movies."

It's a brilliant concept if you ask me.

I have yet to dive into the program but I wanted to share it with my Goddess Tribe. If you're not familiar with Danielle LaPorte I'm sorry we can't be friends. JK! I couldn't even put into words how amazing she is and I'd rather not downplay how huge of a role she's played in my life.

Her new program "Goals with Soul" is just $25! It's a super steal for the transformation she brings. You can also buy the program for you and your soul sista for $35!

You'll also get access to her Facebook group full of conscious like-minded women.

I'd love to know if you decide to take the program and get clear on your goals for 2017, maybe we can be accountability partners? 

Let's make 2017 a year of going for the gold!

Happy Holidays loves!

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